Tuesday 30 March 2021

Case Summary - January 2016


What is an action oblique?

In effect “l’action oblique” enables the “créancier” to substitute himself for his “débiteur” in the exercise of the latter’s rights in order to secure an eventual payment of the amount due to him along with the other creditors of the “débiteur”.

Monday 14 March 2016

Updated Links to Websites/Pages

Dear Vistor,

All links on the present blog which were broken and/or outdated have been removed and replaced with working links to the different websites.


Friday 13 September 2013

Procedure to declare a Foreign Divorce Decree Executor/Executory in Mauritius

Below is a brief insight on the law and procedure relating to the enforcement of a foreign divorce decree in Mauritius.

A foreign divorce decree can be made executory in Mauritius by persons who are desirous of getting re-married or simply for the divorce decree to be enforceable.

The procedure is normally initiated by an Attorney at Law who will draft the application to be presented before the Family Division of the Supreme Court.

Documents which are required for making the application are as follows:

-The original Divorce Decree duly legalised/apostilled in the country from where it originates.

If it is not legalised/apostilled, the application may be refused by the Judge of the Supreme Court. The object of legalising the decree is to verify the authenticity of the document.

- A recent marriage certificate delivered by the Civil Status Division (if applicable)

- A statement from the opposing ex-spouse that he/she does not object to the proceedings (if applicable)

Once the application has been lodged it will be served on the adverse party and the Judge will order the decree executory if he is satisfied with the application.

Nothing in this article shall be construed as legal advice from the author. Professional advice should therefore be sought before any action is undertaken based on this article. You are kindly advised to contact the author for more detailed and personalised legal advice.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Judicial Separation In Mauritius/Séparation de Corps a Maurice

Article 269 et sequitur du Code Civil Mauricien/s. 12 Divorce and Juudicial Separation Act 1982

La séparation de corps peut être prononcée à la demande de l’un des époux dans les mêmes cas et aux mêmes conditions que le divorce.

L’époux contre lequel est présentée une demande en séparation de corps peut former une demande reconventionnelle en divorce. Si une demande en divorce et une demande en séparation de corps sont simultanément accueillies, le juge prononce à l’égard des deux conjoints le divorce aux torts partagés  vide Veeramootoo v Veeramootoo 1990

La séparation de corps ne dissout pas le mariage mais elle met fin au devoir de cohabitation (Art. 272 CCM). La femme séparée conserve l’usage du nom du mari. Toutefois, le jugement de séparation de corps, ou un jugement postérieur, peut le lui interdire. En cas de décès de l’un des époux séparés de corps, l’autre époux conserve les droits que la loi accorde au conjoint survivant.

Il en est toutefois privé lorsque la séparation de corps est prononcée a ses torts exclusifs ou lorsqu’il a pris l’initiative d’une séparation de corps en raison de la rupture de la vie commune. La séparation de corps entraîne toujours séparation de biens (Art. 275 CCM).

La séparation de corps laisse subsister le devoir de secours; le jugement qui la prononce ou un jugement postérieur fixe la pension alimentaire due à l’époux dans le besoin.

Selon l’article 279 CCM, la reprise volontaire de la vie commune met fin à la séparation de corps. Pour être opposable aux tiers, celle-ci doit, soit être constatée par acte notarié, soit faire l’objet d’une déclaration à l’officier d’état civil. Mention en est faite en marge de l’acte de mariage.
La séparation de biens subsiste sauf si les époux adoptent un nouveau régime matrimonial.

Dans tous les cas de séparation de corps, celle-ci peut être convertie en divorce par consentement mutuel. Lorsque la séparation de corps a été prononcée par consentement mutuel, elle ne peut être convertie en divorce que par consentement mutuel. Du fait de la conversion, la cause de la séparation de corps devient la cause du divorce et l’attribution des torts n’est pas modifiée.

Le juge règle les conséquences du divorce. Cependant, les prestations et pensions entre époux sont déterminées selon les règles propres au divorce.

The Procedure/La Procedure:

The procedure is the same as that for divorce, i.e. by way of petition. Any application incidental to the petition must be done by way of motion and affidavit. A petitioner who has been granted a decree of judicial separation may at any time apply to the Court for the conversion of the decree into a decree of divorce. The respondent to a decree of judicial separation may, not earlier than 2 years after the date of the decree, apply to the Court for the conversion of the decree into a decree of divorce.

Wednesday 29 May 2013


Below is a brief insight on the law and procedure relating to the enforcement of foreign judgments in Mauritius.

In Mauritius, there are 3 pieces of legislation which govern enforcement of foreign judgments, namely:-

1. Article 546 of the Code de Procedure Civile, for the enforcement of judgments originating from countries other than the United Kingdom and Commonwealth Countries;

2. The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1923, for enforcement of UK judgments; and

3. The Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1961, for the enforcement of Commonwealth judgments.

The procedure to be followed for enforcing a foreign judgment will therefore depend on the country from which the judgment originated and there are specific conditions to be fulfilled in each case.

However, generally, an applicant wishing to enforce a foreign judgment will have to enter an action before the Supreme Court of Mauritius, for leave of a Judge to the foreign judgment registered in the Register of Foreign Judgments kept at the Registry of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court on receipt of such an application, fix the time limit (a maximum of two months) within which the respondent should apply to set aside the application for registration. If no such application is made within the time limit, the Judge will order the registration of the Judgment and it will be declared executor in Mauritius.

Nothing in this article shall be construed as legal advice from the author. Professional advice should therefore be sought before any action is undertaken based on this article. You are kindly advised to contact the author for more detailed and personalised legal advice.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Code of Ethics for Attorneys

A pdf of the document is available on request.

Requests should be made at sandeep.07@hotmail.com.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Law Practitioners Vocational Course Syllabus - University of Mauritius

1. Objectives
The Law Practitioners Vocational Course offers high-quality training in legal principles from a practical perspective with an emphasis on legal techniques, reasoning and ethics. It aims at preparing candidates for either of the three streams (Attorneys, Barristers and Notaries) of legal practice existent in Mauritius. It has been designed in compliance with The Law Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011 (Act No. 30 of 2011). Courses shall be taught in both English and French in line with the hybrid nature of the Mauritian legal system.

2. Course Requirements
Candidates should hold an LLB (Hons) with at least a Second Class, Second Division or a Maitrise en Droit/Masters 1 (Mention: Assez Bien) or a law degree as stipulated in The Law Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011.

3. Course Duration
The Law Practitioners Vocational Course will be offered on a full-time basis and should be of a maximum of twelve months’ duration.
4. Course Conditions
(i) The Law Practitioners Vocational Course shall consist of 3 levels for each stream:
Level 1- Foundation (Initiation)
Level 2- Advanced (Approfondissement)
Level 3- Professional Practice (Pratique Professionnelle)
(ii) Each level is divided into subjects as prescribed by the Second Schedule of The Law Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011.

5. List of Subjects

PART 1- All prospective law practitioners
CPLS3002-Drafting of Legal Documents
CPLS3004-Opinion Writing

PART II- Prospective Barristers and Attorneys
CPLS2100 - Administrative and Constitutional Law
CPLS3000- Advocacy
CPLS2101-Arbitration and Mediation
CPLS2102-Civil Procedure
CPLS2103-Commercial and Business Law
CPLS2104-Criminal Procedure
CPLS2106-Family Law

PART III- Prospective Notaries
CPLS2107-Civil Procedure
CPLS2108-Commercial and Business Law
CPLS2109-Practical aspects of Family Law
CPLS2110-Practical aspects of the Law of Immovable Property
CPLS3005-Rédaction des Actes
CPLS3006-Responsabilité Notariale
CPLS2111-Revenue and Taxation Laws
CPLS3007-Tenue de l’Office Notariale

6. Course Plan

7. Outline Syllabus
Level 1: Foundation (Initiation)
CPLS1000-Introduction to Mauritian Legal System (Initiation au Droit Mauricien)
Distinctive features of the Mauritian legal system, Sources of Law, Statutory Interpretation, Legal research skills and reasoning for practitioners, Court Structure and Legal Institutions , Introduction aux Codes, Droit Objectif, Droits Subjectifs, La Preuve, Legal services in Mauritius.

Level 2: Advanced (Approfondissement)
CPLS2100 - Administrative and Constitutional Law
Constitution of Mauritius: Constitutional framework and adjudication, Electoral System, Human Rights, Judicial Review Mechanism, Grounds for Judicial Review, Procedure.
CPLS2101-Arbitration and Mediation
Alternative Dispute Resolution and its mechanisms, Negotiation, Mediation and Conciliation, Arbitration: domestic and international, Institutions of ADR, Practical Aspects of ADR Methods, Mauritius as a regional centre for international arbitration and mediation.
CPLS2102 - Civil Procedure
Supreme Court Rules, Intermediate and District Court Rules, Courts Act, Code de Procédure Civile, Courts (Civil Procedure) Act, Appeals, Practical aspects of torts, Droit international privé, Statement of claim, Plaint with summons.
CPLS2103 - Commercial and Business Law
Business Law Practice, Practical aspects of the law of contract, Privilèges et Hypothèques, Tax Law, Corporate law: practice and procedure, Labour Laws, Practical aspects of intellectual property law.
CPLS2104 - Criminal Procedure
Practical aspects of criminal law, Applied criminal procedure: The information, Pre-trial proceedings, Procedure in District Court, Intermediate Court and Supreme Court, Hearings in court, Appeals.
CPLS2105 - Evidence
Preliminary evidential matters, Types of Evidence, Burden and Standard of Proof, Competence and Compellability, Examination of Witness, Opinion evidence, Confessions, Corroboration, Hearsay evidence.
CPLS2106 - Family Law
Etat des Personnes, Incapacités, Filiation, Mariage, Nullité et Divorce, Protection from Domestic Violence, Régimes Matrimoniaux, Successions et Libéralités.
Level 3: Professional Practice (Pratique Professionnelle)
CPLS3000 - Advocacy
Preparation of case, Presentation and modes of address, Speeches, Effective communication, Examination-in-chief, Cross-examination, Re-examination, Bail application, Plea in mitigation.
CPLS3001 - Conferencing
General conference skills, Conducting a conference with a client, Questioning techniques, Advice, Interpersonal skills.
CPLS3002 - Drafting of Legal Documents
General drafting, Skills, Pleadings, Style and terminology, Drafting of legal documents.
CPLS3003 - Ethics
Professional relationships, Etiquette, Professional misconduct, Ethical issues in legal practice, Personal attributes and skills, Codes of Ethics: practice and application.
CPLS3004 - Opinion Writing
Good legal writing skills, Opinion writing process, Use of law in an opinion, Advice on evidence.

Level 1: Foundation (Initiation)
CPLS1001 - Introduction to Mauritian Legal System (Initiation au Droit Mauricien)
Distinctive features of the Mauritian legal system, Sources of Law, Statutory Interpretation, Legal research skills and reasoning for practitioners, Court Structure and Legal Institutions , Introduction aux Codes, Droit Objectif, Droits Subjectifs, La Preuve, Legal services in Mauritius.
Level 2: Advanced (Approfondissement)
CPLS 2107 - Civil Procedure
Les Personnes (Famille, Filiation, Incapacités), Responsabilité contractuelle et délictuelle, Sûretés réelles et personnelles (Privilèges, Hypothèques, Sûretés fixes et flottantes, Nantissement), Droit international privé, Sécurité Juridique: spécificité de la pratique notariale.
CPLS2108 - Commercial and Business Law
Les personnes morales: sociétés, limited companies, Autres personnes morales: Global Business Licence holders, Protected Cell Companies, Limited Partnerships, Associations, Trusts, Fiducies et Foundations.
CPLS2109 - Practical aspects of Family Law
Droit patrimonial de la famille, Régimes Matrimoniaux, Successions, Libéralités, Partage, La communauté, La réserve, Techniques de Liquidation.
CPLS2110 - Practical aspects of the Law of Immovable Property
Techniques du Droit immobilier, Le conseil patrimonial, Urbanisme (morcellements, réglementation des autorités locales), Les baux de Pas Géométriques et de biens de l’Etat, Droit de la Construction, La copropriété des immeubles bâtis et les associations syndicales, Non Citizens Property (Restriction) Act.
CPLS2111 - Revenue and Taxation Laws
La Conservation des Hypothèques (Registrar-General’s Department), Les lois sur la publicité foncière (Land Duties and Taxes Act, Registration Duty Act), Fiscalité (Droits d’enregistrement et taxes de la publicité foncière), Le Cadastre, Fiscalité de l’Etude Notariale: income tax et TVA.
Level 3: Professional Practice (Pratique Professionnelle)
CPLS3005 - Rédaction des actes
Rédaction d’avis juridiques, d’attestations et de certificats, Rédaction de testaments et autres actes, Actes courants et techniques contractuelles.
CPLS3006 - Responsabilité notariale
Lois sur le notariat (Law Practitioners Act, Notaries Act), Code de Déontologie, Détournement de biens ou d’actes, Escroquerie, Abus de confiance, Faux en écriture publique ou authentique, La lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent, la fraude fiscale et les pratiques illicites: Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act et autres dispositions de même nature.
CPLS3007 - Tenue de l’Office Notarial
Comptabilité Notariale (comptes de l’Office et compte clients), Tenue pratique de l’Office, La responsabilité du notaire.
CPLS3001 - Conferencing
General conference skills, Conducting a conference with a client, Questioning techniques, Advice, Interpersonal skills.
CPLS3002 - Drafting of Legal Documents
General drafting, Skills, Pleadings, Style and terminology, Practical aspects pertaining to drafting of legal documents.
CPLS3003 - Ethics
Professional relationships, Etiquette, Professional misconduct, Ethical issues in legal practice, Personal attributes and skills, Code of Ethics: practice and application.
CPLS3004 - Opinion Writing
Good writing skills, Opinion writing process, Use of law in an opinion, Advice on evidence.
8. Disclaimer After completion of the Law Practitioners Vocational Course, candidates will obtain a Certificate of Attendance of the University of Mauritius. However, in order to be qualified as a professional Attorney, Barrister of Notary, candidates will need to satisfy the requirements as prescribed by the Council for Vocational Legal Education.